Publication of my photos by the WWF

Tigre de Bardia

The tigers of Bardia Nepal are making the buzz on the net….

New publication discovered on the net, article of the WWF, illustrated by 2 of my photos of tigers.

How many souvenirs to remember this unforgettable moment of life…

I had the opportunity to observe the bengal tiger several times in its natural environment, in this marvelous national park. But, this day when 2 young tigers ran past my lens to catch up with their mother will forever be my best observation of this mythical feline.

Accueil page WWF
Tigre de Bardia
Article du WWF
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Memories of our trip to Kgalagadi

Souvenirs voyage Kgalagadi
Meerkat family looking on alert

In 2019, we were finally able to carry out our adventure in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, on the South African side. This international park, which includes Namibia, Botswana and South Africa is located in the far north west of South Africa over 1200 kilometers from our regular home base in Kruger National Park. We had been dreaming of this trip for a few years, and we were able to put it in place thanks to the camping trailer borrowed from a friend who can travel on off-road tracks. Distant of more than 250 kilometers from the first city, a very particular organization was necessary for this stay of 2 months and a half, in order to explore in depth all the different biotopes and hope to discover all the fauna of this arid land partly desert. .

Eight thousand photographic shots later, you will soon be able to discover the best of them on our website.


Capture d'écran Paco Como

Paco Como Shop on line

Our website is finally online. We hope that during your visit you will find the image or painting of your dreams…

Do not hesitate to contact us if you encounter problems browsing the site or if you would like information for your next purchase.

Tigers Bardia Nepal, good news

Tigre Bardia Nepal

Tigers Bardia Nepal

The growing tiger population in Nepal.

One of my photos of the tiger from Bardia, Nepal, was selected by the National Geographic to illustrate this encouraging article for the survival of tigers in the wild.

National Geographic article

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A full month of work on the lookout, an average of 8 hours a day.

A very satisfying result with more than 80 different species of birds observed and photographed and no less than 14 mammals. Still about 8000 photos to sort and more than 1000 rushes to edit.

Intense and unforgettable moments, and several sightings of giraffes drinking at the waterhole.

Find our photo gallery of giraffes

Photos girafes

Link to Paco Como Shop

New season in Africa

Nouvelle saison en Afrique

Back in South Africa for a new photographic season.

This year, installation of electricity in the hide in order to be able to observe nocturnal animals. Then a month dedicated to the lookout then another month of safari in Kruger Park.

Link to Paco Como Shop

We talk about us….


Studio Paco Como Cotignac

Cotignac mon village de france, facebook community, honors us with a video on our gallery.

Here is the video of the PACO COMO art gallery, an American artist, painter who likes to photograph… A French photographer who likes to paint…

The mixture of these two arts gives you a magical place where intimacy and workshop mix.

Colleen, and Patrice, very sensitive to the wild animals of Africa and particularly to the fate reserved for bonobos, like all antithropoid monkeys, the bonobo, is a species particularly threatened because of its exclusive distribution in a region ravaged by the wars to which it add deforestation, diamond mining and hunting for its meat.

Populations have declined drastically over the past 30 years.

Many associations exist to help this massacre, in order to warn public opinion…

Take advantage of your visit to Cotignac to visit the workshop.

Atelier d’art

28 rue du Marais


Galerie :

Shop :


À Bientôt à Cotignac

Link to Paco Como Shop