Souvenirs voyage Kgalagadi
Meerkat family looking on alert

In 2019, we were finally able to carry out our adventure in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, on the South African side. This international park, which includes Namibia, Botswana and South Africa is located in the far north west of South Africa over 1200 kilometers from our regular home base in Kruger National Park. We had been dreaming of this trip for a few years, and we were able to put it in place thanks to the camping trailer borrowed from a friend who can travel on off-road tracks. Distant of more than 250 kilometers from the first city, a very particular organization was necessary for this stay of 2 months and a half, in order to explore in depth all the different biotopes and hope to discover all the fauna of this arid land partly desert. .

Eight thousand photographic shots later, you will soon be able to discover the best of them on our website.

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